
In reverse chronological order, organised by topic with links to the arXiv.


R. Kollar, B. Deconinck and O. Trichtchenko. Direct characterization of spectral stability of small amplitude periodic waves in scalar Hamiltonian problems via dispersion relation. Submitted for publication.
O. Trichtchenko, B. Deconinck and R. Kollar. Stability of periodic travelling wave solutions to the Kawahara equation. Submitted for publication.


Waves under ice
O. Trichtchenko, J.-M. Vanden-Broeck, P. Milewski and E. Parau. Stability of periodic travelling flexural-gravity waves in two dimensions. To appear in Studies in Applied Math.
O. Trichtchenko, E. Parau. J.-M. Vanden-Broeck and P. Milewski. Solitary flexural-gravity waves in three dimensions. To appear in Phil. Trans. A.
B. Deconinck and O. Trichtchenko. High-frequency instabilities of small-amplitude solutions of Hamiltonian partial differential equations. Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems A, 37, 1323–1358, (2016).
O. Trichtchenko, B. Deconinck and J. Wilkening. The instability of Wilton ripples. Wave Motion, 66, 147–155 (2016).
B. Deconinck and O. Trichtchenko. Stability of periodic gravity waves in the presence of surface tension. European Journal of Mechanics - B/Fluids, 46, 97–108 (2014).